My aunt and grandmother lived next door to each other in Medina, Ohio and had a farm where a large amount of land was prepared each year for the summer garden. My cousin and I helped pick the beans, tomatoes, corn, dill, cucumbers, cabbage and much more. My aunt canned extraordinary cabbage with dill pickles that I’ll never forget. The fragrance of the dill filled their country home that my uncle built himself.

My growing method of choice now is to grow hydroponically with nutrient-filled water and no soil. This easy method eliminates the need for garden tools, herbicides and commercial fertilizers, and back-braking digging and weeding. The garden grows vertically five feet tall and holds 20-28 plants, and can easily fit on a porch, balcony, deck, patio or inside the home or business. Some families have their own urban farm with multiple units. Some restaurants and other business owners have established rooftop or greenhouse gardens with 30 or 35 units or more.

The Tower was invented by a hydroponic expert who considered not only ease of setup and operation, but also excellent quality of both the system and the nutrients. You will know you are eating the freshest, non-genetically modified, pesticide/herbicide free healthy produce.

What to grow?

The freshest salad in the world is one where you take your bowl out to your patio, deck, yard or front porch (or a room in your house) and pick lettuce leaves, herbs, vegetables and fruit. You pick what you want and the plants keep right on growing. You can grow anything that you enjoy eating except of course root vegetables like potatoes, beets, carrots, etc. Even though the term "Organic" is meant for soil gardening, the produce grown here is as healthy or healthier. I order from catalogues that carefully ensure their seeds are non-genetically modified, and were grown in the healthiest, purest way possible.

Does this sound like too much to bother with? You most likely will find that it takes a little bit of time and attention but is well worth the small effort and you'll be very glad you started on the road to self-reliance if the need ever arises. But aside from being self reliant, you will know you are eating the freshest, non genetically modified (GMO), nutritional produce available.

If you have questions, please contact me at:
or CALL 239-212-2782